This past week I have been having cabin fever, big time.
Not sure why as we haven't had lots of cold weather or snow to keep me inside.
But still that is how I felt since the start of the new year.
Thursday, The sun was shining so brillantly
We normally have cloudy days in the U.P.,
so to see the sun is a treat..
I decided that I wanted to head out to Lake Superior and take some pictures.
Well, I should have looked at the forecast as when I got out there it was
Cold and Windy!
Brrrrr was it cold...
My fingers were so cold that I was just about in tears,
but I did get a few pictures taken.
They aren't the best as I was much too cold to do more then point and shoot,
and some are a bit blurry
But I think you see the coldness in the pictures...
No one was at the beach... Not sure why.
The shoreline... The waves are starting to make some snow volcanoes.
You could just hear the waves crashing against the shore
The Swings waiting for warmer days!
Lake Superior
so beautiful and magnificent...
The sounds of the waves as they crash onto the shore
The quietness and peacefulness.
Nature ~ God's Gift.
Even in winter it shows it beauty...
But BRRRR such cold and Cday!