
Sunday, March 24, 2013


I don't usually write two post in one day but this is the last week for
Yesterday when I was driving home from grocery shopping the sun was shining so brightly as it was setting.
I didn't have my DSLR but always carry my I-phone so these pictures were taken with that.
I am not sure why I have never noticed this building or if I have I never remember it.
Maybe the reason is that there was not very much traffic and I was able to look around.
Also with no leaves on the trees helps.


I have no idea what this building is used for.
The road was plowed to it.
So I am assuming that it is used during the winter.

These pictures didn't turn out very good, but I knew that if I went home and got my camera I would miss out on the opportunity to take a picture.  The sunset last night was awesome!

 Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*


Sunlit Sunday

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Project 52 - Self Portrait (Week 12)

I wasn't really sure that I was going to participate in this week's theme.
As the theme is

Project 52 - Self Portrait

I don't like having pictures taken of my self and I really don't like to take picture of myself.
I had thought of doing a collage that would show who I am but I didn't get it done.
I had remembered that I took a picture of myself on my I-phone after shoveling snow.
I then used one of the apps to change it a bit and this is what I came up with.

The App that I used is called Be Funky and then I used Sketch Effect.
Be Funky is a free app.

Head over to these other great blogs to find out their interpretation of Self-Portrait.

Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring or Mother Nature playing a joke?

Today is the first day of spring...
Or is it?

Spring or Mother Nature playing a joke?

We should be enjoying the tulips coming up.

and thinking about what we are going to plant in our garden....

But no... we are shoveling snow

And it is still snowing.... 
and they keep telling us that we are below average snowfall...
I am tired of the snow and want
Spring to come please..

Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Project 52 - Panorama (week 11)

I am few days late getting last week's project 52 picture out.
The theme was 

Project 52 - Panorama

As I don't have a panoramic camera I decided to use pic monkey to change the size of my picture.
This is what I came up with.
McLain Park

Head over to these other great blogs for their interpretation of panorama
Tyler at Art of Tyger
Bryana at Ruitta Images

Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Follow my blog with Bloglovin.

Image representing Bloglovin as depicted in Cr...
Image via CrunchBase
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I have now moved all my GFC friends over to bloglovin as I have heard that google reader may be gone shortly. I . don't want to miss any of the blogs that I follow. I hope that you will join me in the change over and will continue to follow me. You don't have to be a blogger on Bloglovin to follow. I even have an app on my phone and it is free.. So I can read blogs wherever I am.

I found this great tutorial on Sew Much Crafting that show exactly how to switch all the GFC over to bloglovin with a click of a couple buttons. Easy as Pie. If you need help you can go here.

Thanks Marlys

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I remember when...

I remember when....

Going to my grandpa's house every Saturday for a sauna

Outdoor Sauna in Hancock, MI

As a family every Saturday evening we would all pack into the car and take a drive to grandpa's for our Saturday night sauna.  Grandpa lived on an old dirt road in the hills ~ that is if you can have real hills in Saskatchewan.  When we would turn off the main road onto Grandpa's road, dad would let one of us kids ride.  When we were very little he would set us on his lap and as we got older we would be able to take the wheel by ourselves with dad sitting right beside us.  
The sauna was an outdoor one without running water, similar to this one in the picture.  The water was heated in a bucket that sat on the sauna stove.  There also was a big bucket in the change room for cold water.   The stove was wood burning and the place smelt so great once the stove was lit.
My grandfather died close to 30 years ago and it has been many years since I have been out to the farm.  My uncle and his family lived on the farm after my grandpa  past away and my cousin now still farms there. Although a sauna was built in the house, I am sure that the outdoor sauna still stands.  I am going to have to visit there the next time I go home... 
Such good memories....

Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Project 52 - Morning

This posting is late as this is last week's theme

Project 52 - Morning

I had planned on taking a picture of the morning school bus... Well, I did take a picture but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it too...   I am going to have to try again.  I will still post it today but will re-post if I get a better one.  I am going to have to get dressed and go out and take a better one.

So instead I will post a picture that I have used for this theme before.. Morning Coffee..


Head over to these other great blogs for their interpretation of morning:
Tyler at Art of Tyger
Bryana at Ruitta Images
Katelyn at La Bella Photography

Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*

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Friday, March 8, 2013


It was a couple of weeks ago that I went out and took these pictures of 


There still are a few that I need to go back and take.. the road was busy and I didn't want to be parked on the road for long periods of time as the roads weren't that wide and there was too much snow in the ditches.

Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Project 52 Week 9 - Something that starts with F

This week's theme for Project 52 is

Something that starts with "F"

The first thing that came to mind was fire.
The Calumet Fire Station was built in 1899.
The building costed just over $20,000 at that time for the architectural work, stone work and carpentry.
It was also known as the Red Jacket Fire Station.
Today this building is used for the Upper Peninsula  Fire Fighters Memorial Museum.


I just love the architecture of the buildings here and the history.  There is so much to learn and so little time.
IBe sure to check out what everyone else's interpretation of  Something that starts with "f"..
Tyler at Art of Tyger
Bryana at Ruitta Images
Katelyn at La Bella Photography

Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*
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Icicles in the Sun

This year I have been fascinated with the ice formations around our house.
Probably because we have more this year then every before.
I really hope that it is not because that we have more heat leaking out...
I am pretending it is because of the few warm days and then the cold that it is happening.

Icicles in the Sun

I love how the ice glistens in the sun 
These pictures were taken through the window.

Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*

Sunlit Sunday

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